Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dates - The Secret of Amazing Fruit

Date palm

Dates are a type of plant (Palma), otherwise known as Phonex dactylifera fruitful and should be eaten at any of the raw or cooked. Most of the principal dates grown in Arab countries and has every kind. 
Between the dates of the famous palm-Mecca and Medina is said to have dozens and dozens of species. Among the population in Arab countries dates are their main food, even among people we also dates have become a popular food. In addition to the sweet taste and long lasting and do not need to be cooked, dates also have a lot of good properties and become a major food for the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam.

Dates Ussage Based Al-Quran and Sunnah

Narrated Abdullah bin Jaafar said instead: "I saw Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam ate fruit with ripe dates.

"Narrated by Abdullah bin Jumaah submitted by Marwan who get news than that unlicensed Hashim ibn Amir ibn Sa'd narrates his father heard the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam said “Whoever takes 7 seeds almonds ajwah he will be protected from the devil and magical evil all that day."

Savor dates "Ajwah" as mentioned in the above hadith is one of the advantages given by Allah subhanhu wa ta’ala, according to His glory, as a kind of first dates that planted himself by the Prophet shallallahu alaihi wasallam.

There is also in the al-Quran verse that says about the advantages of this date palm fruit, which is experienced by Sayydatuna Maryam when he contain the Prophet Isa alayhi Salam as mentioned in surah Maryam verse 25:

 "And Shake the trunk of dates it to him, he would abort the ripe dates upon thee"

The above verse describes the efficacy of dates for women who are in childbirth, which at that moment, Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala ordered Mary to eat it in a state of being weak after giving birth. Discovery science studies about the efficacy of palm fruit is rich with elements of iron and calcium have proved that the Islamic way of treatment that is contained in al-Quran and Hadith Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam is not the type of treatment solely in accordance with climatic conditions alone or Arab communities already outdated, but it is a treatment which is recognized by the world. Even better than modern medicine that uses various mixtures of chemicals that can cause side effects that are less well

Elements of iron and calcium contained in the date palm fruit is the highest element for the formation of breast milk. For mothers who have a milk shortage problem, then by eating to promote the added content of milk. It also plays a role in children's growth and the formation of blood and bone marrow. Among other studies carried out prove that the date palm is one of the most worthy of processed foods as a source of energy. Dates are easily digested and it will be distributed to other members and a portion of the brain.

He also once said about this, his saying: "Give eat pistachios and almonds to your wives who are pregnant and those who ate pistachios and almonds that during her pregnancy, then the child will be born it will be a child who is patient and polite, because food Siti Maryam when birth of Prophet Isa AS is almonds.

On this basis the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam also encourages us to break the fast with dates, as his saying of Anas:

"Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam break the fast with some dates seeds before prayer. Had it not densely dates, then Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam would break the fast with some grape seed. Had no grapes, so he drank some water. (Hadith narrated Ahmad)

In connection with this tradition there are some other hadiths that recommend that we break the fast with dates. 
As the hadith narrated by Anas bin Malik, he said: "Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam break the fast with dates and those who do not get it then let him break the fast with water because the water is actually cleaner.

Among other hadith that states excess dates:

From Adiy bin Hatim, he said: "I heard the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam said:" Avoid the fires of hell though (by giving alms) piece of fruit dates.

This hadith describes the glory of dates, namely we give alms, although with only the dates that we avoid than the fires of hell.

So for the people who put their health can be maintained continuously for well, a date is very suitable to serve as one of their daily diet, especially in the morning before starting their daily activities. 
Efficacy of dates is also good for growing children.

Hopefully with the continual practice eating dates, we avoid rather than a variety of things that are not desirable in order to continue daily tasks as well as worship to Allah Subhanahu Wataala.

Ussage Dates

Dates High appointed by the Messenger of Allah because it has a high value food content. Protein content in the palm of approximately 1.8 to 2.0 percent, fiber 2.0 to 4.0 per hundred, when the sugar content of 50 to 57 per hundred glucose. This means that if we eat the dates, the energy is completely absorbed by the body. Instead of sugar in most fruits and fraktosa identified as cane sugar or regular granulated sugar sucrose can not be directly absorbed by the body. He had first described by the enzyme before it is converted into glucose and then absorbed by the body as energy.

Break the fast with dates is recommended for people who fasted did not eat for 12 hours. Dates energy contributes fully to the eater, and this allows someone to worship and perform the maghrib prayer or tarawih. If the body feels fresh and energetic it prevents overeating or follow our passions. Sometimes we break the fast time eating too much, but still tired and not powered. Why foods that contain adequate carbohydrate taken most of that is not fully form the force that causes fatigue and drowsiness.

When we eat dates without removing the skin that contain adequate fiber, it is very good to help digestion. Besides, he substances contain adequate potassium. Potassium is needed by the body to the nervous system. Indeed, in milk, yogurt and seafood also contain potassium but the numbers a bit.

Many people who say only the raisins are good for strengthening your memory, when in fact dates are also equal. Maybe it was done for reasons of certain parties who want to popularize the raisins usefulness.

Naration by Aishah r.a. which explains, dates contain poison antidote. "Those who always eat dates, shall be avoided rather than exposure to toxins are eaten."

In the field of medicine, with no finding of cholesterol, fat and sugar in the palm, making it very good to relieve high blood pressure.Seeds of dates can be mashed or made into powder like tea.Soaked and drunk to cure various kinds of diseases.

Through a certain way, dates eaten with almonds and honey to cure the disease. Dates are also said to increase sexual energy.Date palm fruit juice may only now is becoming known society, even though many people who consume dates in various ways other than eaten fresh or dried, dates are also made jam or syrup additives in ice cream.
Dates are rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, vitamins A and C and niacin. He is usually eaten during Ramadan and has high efficacy and value in the world of herbal medicine.
Dates are also good in treating a chronic intestinal disorder, where the incompatibility with gluten, block the absorption of nutrients completely.
Dates contain adequate protein and salt type of material that stops remarkable side effects caused by gluten in the small intestine.Side effects that if left unchecked could result in expenditures in excess of white blood cells.
Aside from intestinal disorders, date palm juice can be used to overcome the problem of constipation. However this drink is not suitable for those who develop diabetes disease, because he may be lead to the impression of something more serious.
Date palm juice is also an effective antidote in herbal medicine to overcome the problem of insomnia. For those who have problems coughing juice consumed kerana dates according to sugar content in fruit dates act relieve itching in the throat at once stop the cough.
Dates are said to be a plant that has various benefits and usefulness of the lot because it has been proven, in the Quran there are 21 verses that mention of dates.
Following the opinion of medical experts, date palm fruit is rich in iron and calcium elements suitable for women during pregnancy and after childbirth. This is based on handed down by God's revelation to the mother of Jesus is Mary bint Imran so take a date when he was in a state of weakness after childbirth.


Based on the verses of the Quran and Hadith Apostles, enterprising scientists assess the efficacy of dates. 
Following review Dr.Mahmud Nazim Al-Nasimy, study results show date palm juice can help seize the uterus during the birth process, strengthen the uterus muscles again in the final months of pregnancy and help facilitate the process of childbirth. Date palm juice can also reduce blood spilled, strengthen the organs uterus and relieve high blood pressure.
Studies Associate Professor Ayesha Mohd Zain Pensyarah Faculty of Science and Biotechnology University Putra Malaysia, showed that date palm juice helps prevent constipation, muscle weakness, loss of breath, lethargy and boil the large intestine, stimulating the appetite, strengthens memory and melawaskan. 
In addition to adding sexual energy, dates may also be used as a dessert.
Following the results of the study Egyptian scientists have proved the efficacy of dates in helping to heat the body, brain and help educate the child's growth. 
He also helped pave the way blood and to avoid abscess of the disease, treating the kidneys and liver wash, and helps reduce the drainage of blood when giving birth.
The country that is producing dates are Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria
Ingredients in% Dry Dates
More than 50 sugar
More than 2 Protein
Fat More than 2
Mineral Resources Over 2
Sources: Encyclopaedia Britannica CD99.

Dates Prevent Stroke Attack
• a high caloric content and easily digested by the body is appropriate if used when breaking the fast. However, there are more special properties: dates can reduce the risk of stroke due to high potassium contained therein. 
Fruit is known as a major source of vitamins, especially vitamin C and minerals. However, energy content or calories too low, because it contains also low fat.However, there are exceptions to the dates. Fat content on the dates may be too low. However, high carbohydrate to make this fruit can provide high energy as well. In fact, highest among the large family of fruits. Another advantage, dates contain nutrients essential for body functions, especially the heart and blood vessels, namely potassium. The function of this mineral makes the heartbeat more regular, activating muscle contractions, and helps regulate blood pressure. That is why the dates to be special.Moreover, some research shows foods high in potassium can reduce the risk of stroke.

Simply Five Minutes a day ..!

* From a study of eating patterns conducted on 859 men and women aged over 50 years in Northern California, USA, known, small differences in the concentration of potassium in the diet can be estimated they are likely to die of a stroke 12 years later. 
No one had the highest potassium intake (more than 3,500 mg per day) died of a stroke. Conversely, people who regularly consume potassium lowest (less than 1950 mg per day) have a risk of stroke is much more
high compared to the others. 
Among those most Low potassium consumption, hope died of stroke 2.6 times in men and 4.8 times in women. The more potassium-rich foods consumed less likely people are increasingly suffering from a stroke. The investigators formulated with only eating one type of extra potassium-rich foods (at least 400 mg per day) the risk of fatal can be lowered to 40%.Stage 400 mg of potassium was easy once we ate dried dates filled with about 65 g only, or
equivalent to five dates. 
Foods high in potassium, according to Dr.Louis Tobian, Jr.., An expert on high blood diseases from Minnesota University in the U.S., can also help reduce pressure
blood and may provide additional strength in preventing stroke directly, as the condition of a person's blood pressure. 
To prove it, Dr. Tobian perform experiments on two groups of rats exposed to hypertension. One group of rats given a diet high in potassium and other groups of normal potassium diet. The result is quite remarkable. Among the group of mice that received a high potassium content, none of them suffered a brain hemorrhage.While 40% in the group of mice that received normal potassium suffered a mild stroke as evidenced by the existence of a brain hemorrhage.

From the results of the study, Dr. Tobian make a conclusion, the consumption of extra potassium to keep the artery walls remain elastic and functioning normally. 
This situation makes the blood vessels are not easily damaged by high blood pressure. So obviously, dates which have traditionally served as one dish for breaking the fast in Ramadan, not the regular appetizers. Secretly he kept weapons and anti antistroke potential heart attack.However, to ensure a positive impact dates, apparently still need further evidenced through the research.

Having Function Like Aspirin

* Also useful potassium for heart health and blood vessels, dates also contain salicylates. 
This substance, known as the raw material of aspirin, reducing medication or pain relievers and fever.Salicylates are preventing the opening of the blood, anti-inflammatory, and eliminate the sense of horror / pain. Except that, according to Nurfi Afriansyah, staff investigator CIE Center for Nutrition Nutrition Bogor, salicylates also can affect the fatty acid group hydroxide, which stimulates muscle contraction, lowers blood pressure. Meanwhile, Jean Carper in her book Food, Your Miracle Medicine, said dates have functions such as aspirin. Dried dates, he said, a very high content of salicylic aka natural aspirin.Cherry fruit, dried prunes and raisins are also rich with potassium kerana he also contain salicylates.
people who are sensitive to aspirin, if you eat foods containing salicylates, would react the same as people who take aspirin.Therefore, experts who study kesihatan allergies usually will warn those who are sensitive to aspirin in order to stay away from foods containing salicylates, including dates.
On the other hand, experts have stirred the curiosity towards the development of salicylate in foods that can give the same result by taking aspirin. 
Indeed, there is a proven kaijan, regular low-dose aspirin (less than or half the usual doses taken per day) can help prevent heart attack or stroke.

On that basis, the experts expect, low-dose salicylates in foods consumed may also relieve headaches.

Nutrient Composition

* Fruit of dates can be eaten directly, on the dry or fresh. 
In addition, can also be used for a variety of dishes such as various bakery products, candy, ice cream, lettuce and syrup.

In Arab countries, dates get a pretty good place in society.Cylindrical fruit with a single grooved seeds are usually consumed along with dairy products.

Most varieties of dates contain sugar glucose (a type of sugar in the blood) or fructose (a type of sugar found in most fruits).However, one named Deglet Noor varieties grown in California only contain adequate sugars sucrose (also known as sugar sand.)

According to Drs. 
Anwar El Mufti of Egypt, was quoted as saying "Buana Sunday", dates contain 70% sugars. Most of the sugars contained in it are processed naturally and not harmful to health.Like the sugar in fruit called fructose, this substance is easily digestible and can be easily burned by the body. Thus will produce high power, without a body makes it difficult to process, digest, and make it as good nutrition. That is why the dates are considered as an ideal fruit for the meal breaking the fast or the dawn.
A glass of water containing glucose, according to Dr. 
David conning, Steering Am British Nutrition Foundation, as quoted Panasea, will be absorbed by the body in 20-30 minutes, but the sugar contained in the new dates been absorbed within 45-60 minutes. Hence, people who eat a lot of dates at the dawn of time will be fresh and hungry bear, because this material is also rich in fiber.

Other dates Excellence contains many important vitamins, like vitamin A, thiamine, and riboflavin in the amount that can be relied upon, as well as niacin and potassium in large quantity. 
In addition, this fruit was also contain many other nutrients such as iron, vitamin B, nicotinic acid and fiber (not nutrients) in sufficient quantities.

In every 100 g of dried dates contained 50 IU vitamin A, thiamine 0.09 mg, 0.10 mg riboflavin, niacin 2.20 mg, and 666 mg potassium. 
Nutrients that works to help release energy, keeping the skin and nerves to stay healthy and important for heart function.

Riboflavin and niacin. 
For example, will help release energy from food, while thiamine helps release energy from carbohydrates.Vitamin A and niacin plays a role in shaping and maintaining healthy skin. Thiamin is important for nerve cells, while niacin maintain normal nerve function.

Dates also contain many important minerals, like magnesium, potassium and calcium. 
Minerals that are needed by the body.Fiber is found in the intestines and dates helps activate it, which is easier bowel movement. The dates are also a kind of hormone (potuchsin) that could shrink the blood vessels in the uterus, which can prevent the bleeding of the uterus. 


  1. I love dates. It is so important and a compulsory thing in Ramadan for our family. It definitely has a lot of benefits and it is so good for health and also if you are dieting this will fulfill you.

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