Friday, March 25, 2011

Yam - Fruits of Herbs Medicine & Cosmetic

Yam or Bengkoang (Pachyrhizus erosus) is known from the tuber (cormus) the white part that can be eaten as salad components and pickled or used as a mask to refresh the face and whiten skin. Plants originating from tropical America are included in the tribe of legumes or Fabaceae. In the place of origin, this plant is known as xicama or jícama. The Javanese call Besusu 


Bengkoang is an annual liana that can reach lengths of 4-5m, while the roots can reach 2m. Spreading and twisted trunk, with fine hairs that point downward. 
Leaves compound pinnate leaf litter 3; stemmed from 8.5 to 16 cm; child leaves the egg round wide, with pointed tip and large-toothed, hairy on both sides; child leaves a big tip, lozenge, 7-21 × 6 - 20 cm. 
Flowers gathered in bunches at the tip or axillary, alone or in groups 2-4 bunches, up to 60cm long, brown hair. Calyx tube bell shaped, brownish, about 0.5 cm long, bertaju up to 0.5 cm. Crown bluish purple and white, bald, long-lk. 2 cm. Stalk sari flat, with tip slightly rolling; the stigma shape the ball, under the end of the shaft pistil, pistil stalk under the stigma of bearded. Pod line shape, flat, 8-13 cm long, hairy, 4-9 seeded grains. 


Leaves and bunches of flowers 
These plants form root tubers (cormus), round or rounded like a top with a weight of 5 kg can achieve. Tuber skin thin, pale yellow and white interior with fresh fluid rather sweet. Tubers contain sugar and starch as well as phosphorus and calcium. Bulbs also has a cooling effect because they contain 86-90% moisture content. Sweet taste comes from an oligosaccharide called inulin (not insulin!), The human body can not digest. This property is useful for diabetics or people on a diet low in calories. 
Bengkoang tuber ordinary man to be a material sold salad, pickled, candied, or mixed in traditional dishes like tekwan. Bengkoang tubers should be stored in a dry place temperature 12 ° C to 16 ° C. Lower temperatures result in damage. Good storage can make bulbs last up to 2 months. 

Although the tuber can be eaten, the yam is another highly toxic because it contains rotenon, just like the tuba. This poison is often used to kill insects or catch fish, especially those derived from the seeds. 

Although poisonous, the seeds of yam can be used as medicinal ingredients. Seeds are crushed and mixed with sulfur is used to cure a type of mange. Meanwhile, in Central Java, a half grain of yam bean can be used as a purgative. Yam bean poisoning is usually treated by drinking green coconut water.

Besides edible, bengkoang also has various properties that we can get. Bulbs also has a cooling effect because they contain 86-90% moisture content. Sweet taste comes from a oligosakorida who called inulin (vegetable starch) 

Inulin has been used as a substitute for sugar and lowering calorie foods like ice cream, milk and bread produduk. These components can not be digested enzymes in the human intestine, so that through the mouth and intestines without in metabolism. in the large intestine before fermentation by insulin has intestinal microflora into fatty acids and lactic, with a byproduct of bacterial biomass and gas. Due to the nature of this undigested inulin consumed suitable diabetics.Important properties of inulin is a dietary fiber, the nature of this effect on bowel function and improvement in blood parameters. 

Inulin affects bowel function by increasing stool mass and increased frequency of defecation, especially in patients with constipation.Improvement of fat in the blood parameters, such as decreased levels of serum triliserida and blood cholesterol in patients hypercholerolemia. 

Benefits of Bengkoang To Eliminate Black spots on face 

Besides having inulin content that can provide a positive impact on our gut, we can also bengkoang though to be a mask that we can use as a reliever black spots on the face. Here's how to process bengkoang to be a face mask: 
1. Grate bengkoang somewhat more subtly. 
2. Then use it and smeared bengkoang grater to the face which can also be stained or mix ingredients in scrubs. Rub gently and let stand 30 minutes. 
3. Then rinse thoroughly, the face looks clean and bright. 

Bengkoang also to be able to maintain skin moisture, and certainly would not hurt if we start now turned his attention to bengkoang to maintain the beauty of the face and skin. Hopefully useful. 

source : wikipedia,


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