Studies and research on Noni continues to be done by various research institutions and university sitas. Since 1972, Dr. Ralph Heinicke, the famous biochemist from the United States began to conduct research about xeronine alkaloids contained in the enzyme bromelain (enzyme in pineapple), and then discovered that the Noni fruit also contains xeronine and precursor (proxeronine) in large numbers. Xeronine is one of the important substances that regulate specific functions of proteins and cells of the human body.
In 1993, the journal Cancer Letters reported that some researchers from Keio University and The Institute of Biomedical Sciences in Japan who do research on 500 species of plant claimed that they found anti-cancer substances (damnacanthal) contained in Noni.
Leading research institutions in France, the Netherlands, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Taiwan, Austria, Canada, and even the National Academy of Sciences, a center for study of a prestigious national science in the United States has conducted various studies on Noni. Meanwhile, researchers at Union University of Hawaii also has done much research on Noni, including research on anti-tumor activity and anti-cancer Morinda citrifolia published in a scientific journal (Proc, West Pharmacology Society Journal, vol, 37, 1994) .
Through intensive research conducted by scientists at the laboratory, Noni, showing its superiority. These plants contain various vitamins, minerals and enzymes, alkaloids, co-factors and plant sterols that occur naturally. In addition, leaves and roots intact Noni contains the amino acid which is the main protein source.
Noni fruit water content of about 52 percent. Several studies have been conducted to determine what elements are contained in Noni. Studies and research have shown the existence of interesting substances in Noni juice, though not yet all been identified. New in 1993, a researcher (Helen Sim), in his master thesis entitled The Isolation and Characterization of A Compound Fluores cent From The Fruit of Morinda citrifolia: Stud ies on 5-ht Receptor System reported the presence of substances in the Noni fruit are not known by him or his friends. Most of these substances related to health and has been proven only found in the Noni fruit.
The following are other benefits of Noni fruit that have been scientifically proven.
Increase Endurance Body
Clinical investigations conducted by Dr. Schechter (Institute of Natural Medicine in California) to produce the necessary data about the ability of Noni juice, which stimulate the production of these T cells in the immune system (T cells play an important role in fighting the disease); strengthen the immune system, especially makrofaset and lymphocytes from white blood cells; show show anti-bacterial effect; have the effect of anti-sense of pain (analgesic); inhibit the growth of cells pre-cancer / tumor that is the ability to normalize the function of abnormal cells.
Mona Harrison, MD from Boston University School of Medicine and medical director at DC General Hospiial, USA reported that Noni increases the function of the thyroid gland and thymus gland, which is believed to act against infections and problems associated with the immune system.
Normalize Blood Pressure
According to Neil Solomon, MD.PhD, health problems of American researchers reported that the Noni fruit contains a type of phytonutrients, namely scopoletin which serves to widen the channel of the blood vessel constriction. This causes the heart does not have to work too hard to pump blood, so blood pressure became normal.
The result of testing on animals shows that scopoletin lowering high blood pressure and normal to be low (hypotension abnormal). However, scopoletin contained in Noni fruit can interact synergistically with nutraceuticals (functional foods for the treatment), another to regulate high blood pressure became normal, but do not lower blood pressure is normal. It never found a case where the blood pressure down to normal lead to low blood pressure (hypotension).
The experts from Stanford University, University of Hawaii, University of California (UCLA), Union Col lege of London, University of Meets in France who has studied the Noni agrees that these plants contribute to lower blood pressure in many cases.
Simple clinical trial conducted by Scott Gerson, MD (from Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York) shows that many users Mengkudu reported that their blood pressure becomes high when stopped drinking Noni juice, and return to normal when taking the Noni juice regularly.
Fighting Cancer and Tumor
An interesting papers that were presented at the annual meeting of the American Association fin. Cancer Research 83rd in San Diego, California, in 1992, is "Anti-tumor activity of Morinda citrifolia on Lewis Lung Carcinoma in the mouse injected." In this study, rats were given an injection of Lewis Lung Carcinoma (a type of cancer).All mice that did not receive treatment with Mengkudu die within 9-12 days due to cancer. While the mice that received treatment with Mengkudu able to survive 105 percent to 123 percent longer (40 percent of the rats live up to 50 days or more). This study is repeated several times and each time Mengkudu found to significantly extend the age-old rats exposed to cancer compared with rats not treated with Noni. In summary, the results of this study revealed that Noni can inhibit tumor growth.
A year later the journal Cancer Letters (vol.3, 1993) reported the discovery of anti-cancer substances / damnacanthal in Noni extract that could inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
There are some cases of cancer patients who consumed Noni fruit juice and be cured, among other cases, patients Dr. Harrison (DC General Hospital), who suffered from liver cancer and stomach swelling caused by fluid overload. During the 7 days consuming Noni juice, swelling in the stomach is reduced significantly. Testing haru stomach fluids showed that cancer cells have disappeared.
According to Drs. Judah Folkman of Harvard University, Noni works synergistically with other micronutrients in menghamhat blood flow to the tumor cells. The mechanism is similar to the oil squalen (from shark liver) that control brain tumor growth and prolong experimental mice by destroying the means of circulation of the blood supply to tumor cells.
Eliminate Pain
Noni fruit's ability as an analgesic substance has been known in the history of traditional medicine, so this plant is called a "painkiller tree" or "headache tree".Scientific research has proven beneficial effects of Noni to cope with pain. In 1990, researchers found a significant relationship between dose of Noni juice extract with analgesic activity of rat rats (generally, the more widely used, the analgesic effect will be stronger).
Many theories explaining how the mechanisms work Mengkudu relieve pain. One is the theory of Dr. Ralph Heinicke (famous biochemist from the U.S.) who said that xeronine that play a role in relieving pain. This is associated with the ability to normalize xeronine protein in abnormal cells, including cells of brain tissue, where sourced pain.
Some cases of chronic pain such as headaches constantly, nerve pain in muscles and joint pain cured after taking Noni juice.
Anti-inflammatory and Anti-allergic
The compound scopoletin (hydroxy-methoxy-coumarin) is very effective as an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic. Medical literature reports the successful treatment of arthritis, bursitis, car-pal tunnel syndrome and allergies by using scopoletin.
Bryant Bloss, MD, orthopedist from Indiana, the U.S. reported the success of Noni juice cure back pain they experienced as well as 15 people and patients. Meanwhile, the 8 patients reported knee pain (osteoarthritis) almost does not feel over taking Noni juice. Three of the patients Dr. Bloss who suffer from asthma progress with the reduction in cough. Some patients experience sore joints also began to experience the real progress after drinking Noni juice. He offers Noni juice as additional food / supplement, and not as a drug to his patients.
Results of research journals published darn Pacific Science (vo1.4, 1950) reported that Noni contains antibacterial ingredients which can be used to treat heart disease and digestive problems. There is lots of anthraquinone compounds in Noni roots turned out to fight bacteria that menyehabkan Staphylococcus infection in heart and Shigella bacteria that cause dysentery.
Noni is antibacterial against: Bacil lus subtilis, Escherichicr coli, Proteus morganii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella montevdleo, schotmuelleri Salmonella, Salmonella typhi, Shigella dysenteriae, Shigella flexnerii, Shigella paraciysente riae BH und III-Z, Staphylococcus aureus.
Dr. Robert Young, a microbiologist from Utah, USA find yeast molds and fungi with a toxin that can produce cells menyehabkan sick because of the degree of acidity (pH) increases. By taking Noni juice, the situation can be overcome because Noni helps regulate the body's pH balance, thus increasing the ability of the body absorb vitamins, minerals and protein.
Set the Mood Cycle (Mood)
One of the capabilities possessed by seopoletin is to bind serotonin. According to Drs. Harrison (DC.General Hospital, USA), scopoletin can increase the activity contained peneal gland in the brain, which is a place where serotonin is produced and then used to produce the hormone melatonin. Serotonin is an important substance in the blood granules (platelets) lining the human gastrointestinal tract and brain.
In the brain, serotonin acts as neutrotrcrnsmitter, advice and precursor signals conductor of the hormone melatonin. Sero tonin and melatonin helps regulate some of the body such as sleep, body temperature regulation, mood (mood), puberty and egg production cycle, hunger and sexual behavior. Lack of serotonin in the body can lead to migraine disease, dizziness, depression, and even Alzheimer's disease.
Setting the Body's Energy Cycle
Dr. Harrison also reported that the body's energy frequency changes are also caused by the positive activities of Noni juice. The effects are; to stabilize blood sugar, reduces menstrual period pain, reduces the desire to urinate at night for men who experience swelling of the prostate.
According to Drs. Heinicke (biochemist from the U.S.), xeronine also play a role in the process of the body's energy cycle. He explained the mechanism is as follows, xeronine will be absorbed in the space adjacent to the absorption of endorphin and act as a precursor hormone (co-hormone) to activate the receptor proteins that give good feeling / comfort. As a result, people will feel comfortable and have more energy after drinking Noni juice.
Main Benefits
Research on Noni continues to grow, both conducted by doctors and botanist and biochemist. Research focused on the chemical components contained -komponen/susunan Noni and its therapeutic effects against various diseases.
These studies show that Noni juice can stimulate the immune system, regulating cell function and regeneration of cells damaged tissue. The facts show that Noni can set the cells at the primary level and it may be critical to explain why Noni can be used for a variety of health conditions.
The doctors in the United States already provides many reports about the successful use of Noni juice to his patients. Dr. Richard Dicks (from New Jersey, USA) said, "we began to realize that we must return to the fundamentals of our body. What is meant by metabolism in the body is burning nutrients. Noni juice protects our body by providing nutrients needed by the body. "
Benefits-Additional benefits
Noni has a property-other properties that have not been proven medically, but empirically have been many people who experience health improvement after consuming the juice. Some medical problems can be overcome by using Noni:
Digestive System: Flatulence, injury to the small intestine, stomach ulcers, vomiting and food poisoning. Respiratory system: cough, bronchitis, sore throat, tuberculosis, cholera, fever in infants, sinusitis, asthma. Cardiovascular System: high cholesterol, thickening of the heart muscle, increasing oxygen transport within the cell. Skin diseases: burns, wounds, scabies, boils, cellulite, skin worms, dandruff, ringworm, and inflammation of the skin, ulcers on the skin, and skin problems on the other. Mouth and throat: Sore throat, bleeding gums, cough, mouth sores, toothache. Menstrual disorders: premenstrual syndrome, irregular menstrual cycles, pain during menstruation. Ageless: Noni juice can be used as a tonic to overcome the wrinkles due to the aging process. Diseases in the body: Diabetes, chronic hepatitis, pelvic pain, headaches, impaired renal function, bladder stones, disturbances in thyroid hormone. Immune deficiency disease of Epstein-Barr virus, chronic candidiasis, diseases caused by HIV infection, lack of energy (AES = altered energy syndrome). Why is one type of plant can cure so many diseases?
Scientific research shows that constituents in Noni fruit has properties to stimulate the formation of the immune response, clean up the blood, regulating cell function, regeneration of damaged cells and inhibit tumor growth. Phytochemical (natural chemical substances found in plants) has efficacy for the prevention of disease and is rich in antioxidant content. Noni has a very broad spectrum of phytochemicals, some of which are only found in the Noni. Phytochemicals, such phytochemical synergy with each other to produce amazing healing properties.
Dr. Joseph Betz, chemical researchers from the FDA (Food and Drug Association) division of the Natural Products Center For Good Safety and Applied Nutrition at the U.S. said that some experiments have shown that Noni juice can soothe muscle movement and have anti-allergy effects.
In 1992, Dr. Isabella Abbott, a professor of botany at the University of Hawaii said that Mengkudu more and more people use to cope with diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure and many other diseases.
sumber :
Though the consumption of Noni has given lots of benefits to the patients but people suffering from kidney disease are asked to avoid taking this juice regularly. Thank you for this informative article.
Mantis Hugo
Pure Noni Juice
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