Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Olives - Fruit of Thousand Years

Olive (Olea europaea) is an annual small trees and evergreen, the young fruit can be eaten raw or preserved as a refresher after. 
The old fruit is squeezed and the oil is extracted into olive oil that can be used for various purposes. Olive is a member of the Oleaceae tribe. 
The characteristics and distribution 
Olive plants have characteristics include: 
1. grow as shrubs have bell-shaped flowers

2. single leaf by leaf position of facing no leverage

3. hermaphrodite or unisexual flowers and fruit ride
4. fruit of stone fruit with seeds have endosperm

Olive began to bear fruit at the age of five years and can reach thousands of years old, so that was the shrub has become a big tree. 
Olive trees thousands of years old of whom has ever been found in Palestine which survived until 2000 years. 
Distribution includes hot climate regions to temperate climate. 
Most species can be found in Asia and the Mediterranean region. The plant was still allied with jasmine (Jasminum sambac). 
Symbols and benefits 
Olive leaf stalks are often used as a symbol of peace and
has long been part of Western culture. In this society olive branch became a symbol of peace and has grown since hundreds of years ago to take a delicious fruit. From that philosophy we can take the essence of that with the growth of olives will bring peace. 
Many benefits of this olive tree. 
In addition to the delicious fruit, wood from olive trees is also very good, loud and beautiful. In addition to edible olives are also used as food flavoring. If the fruit is squeezed, we can obtain the oil. This oil can be used as a spice in salads and later widely used for cosmetic ingredients that can keep moisture and firmness that is believed to make the skin youthful. 
Olive oil also can reduce the risk of death from heart disease and cancer. 
Research suggests heart attack in the Mediterranean area, who consume olive oil, only half compared to elsewhere. Based on epidemiological studies in Mediterranean populations who consume lots of olive oil is oleic acid oleic concluded positive effect on heart health. 

A recent Harvard study concluded that polyunsaturated fats such as found in olive oil can lower LDL cholesterol (low density lipoprotein) LDL Where is the bad blood cholesterol levels that can accumulate in artery walls. 
This type of fat that helps prevent breast cancer is unsaturated fat in olive oil. 
Another benefit of olive oil is to make the skin smooth as baby skin, making hair thick. 

Olive oil has been known by various nations as one of the healthiest oils ever produced by the earth. Due to various human health benefits of olive oil into valuable goods and has been referred to as "Liquid Gold."
Art uses olive oil for healthy body and soul and was started 6,000 years ago.Hippocrates (400 BC) have been using olive oil in more than 60 prescription therapy for the treatment of patients. A bottle of olive oil is a versatile P3K oil which is useful when disaster.
Olive oil is one of the first plant oils are made of people and extorted from olive tree (Olea europae L.). Originally olive oil is cultivated in the Mediterranean basin. Since the times of the previous prophets of this plant has been cultivated for its oil used for cooking, medicine materials, cosmetics, soap making, tool lubricant, even as fuel for lamps in homes.
Of the total number of 300 varieties, at least there are 30 varieties that are widely used to obtain olive oilMost of the olive oil made in Mediterranean countries like Spain, Italy, and Greece, while a small portion is produced in California, Australia, South America and some other countries.
Olive trees grow throughout the year (evergreen). Coarse olive leaf is egg-shaped, oval, or like arrowheads. Its surface is dark green on top and have some sort of silvery scales on the bottom. Fragrant flowers are white and grow in the form of multiple clusters of small stalks shorter than the petiole. The fruit is soft and full of fluid elliptical or rounded glossy green to black. Olive tree can grow up to the age of 1,500 years, then no doubt the tree is regarded as one of the world heritage tree primitive era.
Olive oil is cold and damp on the first level. Olive oil produced from olives that have been cooked is the best and most stable. The oil obtained from the raw fruit tends to cool and dry. The oil produced from olives red are moderate, while that made from black olives capable member of warmth as well as with stable humidity. Such oils can relieve the stomach, not strange olive oil can be used as an ulcer drug, and can remove the worm. All kinds of nutritious olive skin smooth and slow the growth of gray hair.
One hundred grams of olive oil contains: 163 calories, 70.8% water, 1.2 grams protein, 18.6 grams fat, 1.7 grams fiber, and 79 mg calcium, 200 IU vitamin A, 0.01 mg vitamin B1; 0.18 mg vitamin B2, 0.1 mg vitamin B3; and 3 mg of vitamin C, 2.3 IU vitamin E. With its content which is rich in essential fatty acids, calcium, iron, potassium, and vitamin K, olive oil is known to cut risk of heart disease, fight cancer, relieve arthritis, prevent the occurrence of diabetes, relieve pain, prevent dementia, preventing bone loss, strengthen body against HIV.
Olive oil is the best quality Extra Virgin olive oil, namely oil produced from olives topnotch quality and obtained from the juice of Cold Pressed Oil (cold juice) without using organic solvents as a solvent to attract oil. May only have a natural acidity is less than 1%. Sense of "fruit" of his strong and very good to be used to mix salad.This oil is rich in polyphenols that act as antioxidants, especially when it is not broken down because the touch of heat on extortion and use.
Next is the quality of the Virgin, the oil obtained mechanically (with juice) without heat, which changes the acidity level to between 1-5%. This oil is recommended to be used in concocting a salad and marinade.
Pure Quality is number three, which is a mixture of refined olive oil (processed with steam and chemicals and the virgin and the price is cheaper. Acidity ranges from 3-4%. Oil is most commonly used as oil for cooking.
Next is the quality Extrated and Refined, or oil made from the rest of the juice first, using a chemical solvent; virgin oil is added as a flavor enhancer. Usually on the packaging of this oil contained the words "Made from refined olive oil" that suggests that its contents were taken from the essence of olive oil, but this actually signifies flavor and acid levels are the result of chemical processing.
Last quality is Pomace, namely oil made with chemical extraction of all the residue left after the juice and processing the second. Contains 5-10% acidity; virgin oil is added as a flavor enhancer.
Some of the things mentioned above is just a fraction of the magnitude of the benefits of olive oil, while the people in the Mediterranean region has long been using olive oil as their daily dish in order to prevent surge in LDL, lowering obesity and prolong life.

source : wikipedia, kesehatan.kompasiana.com, & others


  1. I love olives, I always ask my wife to add olives in my salad and use olive oil when cooking a meal. Thank you for sharing it with us

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  2. Intresting blog discussing the use of olive and its oil for various purposes like masag etc and can also be used for cooking. It’s a healthy natural product.
