Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bamboo Eul-Eul - Mineral Water From Nature

Bamboo-Eul Eul (Nastus Elegantissimus (Hassk) Holt)
Bamboo Plants-Eul Eul
Bamboo-Eul Eul is one type of bamboo plant that grows in tropical regions. Differences between Bamboo eul-eul with other bamboo species such as:
Bamboo Eul Eul-containing minerals in mineral water in its segment,
Bamboo-Eul Eul only grow a few stems of bamboo plants tens and even hundreds of others,
Bamboo-Eul Eul only grow in certain areas such as in Indonesia,
Makin up the trunk of his increasingly large and growing segment length,
Bamboo-Eul Eul will be more inclined or crouch down as you get older the plant because it contains the mineral water segment. Just like the rice plant "More and more old duck."
Actually Bamboo plant-Eul Eul include herbaceous plant species that have a hollow stem and edged and provides many benefits for humans. The name or other term of bamboo are reeds, aur, Australian pine, and AWI (Sunda). Eul Eul-Bamboo (Bamboo Magic) can be found and grow around the mountains in West Java (the exact location sorry we could not tell because for the conservation of nature).

Benefits of Bamboo-Eul Eul
In China, mineral water-Eul Eul Bamboo has long been recognized as a natural alternative medicine and is believed to cure various diseases. Mineral water was sold commercially, but according to some consumer recognition Bamboo Eul Eul-Chinese descent in the country saying that China itself is very difficult to get the Bamboo-Eul Eul because forest conditions are quite vulnerable and dangerous. Actually, in West Java, no matter where we take-Eul Eul Bamboo is not easy and quite dangerous.

During this time the public may only know that bamboo is used for the purposes of furniture, furniture, woodworking, crafts, home, fence, or at best, is also used as ornamental plants in the yard.With the publication of Bamboo Blog-Eul Eul this, hopefully to help manyarakat to better know the efficacy of Mineral Water Bamboo-Eul Eul that are beneficial to health as a natural alternative medicine and increase stamina. Besides, hopefully the people especially those who are sick can take the wisdom not to despair, because there are still a lot of medication and how fairly efficacious as alternative medicine and alternative medicine.

Having conducted clinical trials, it was not just the water that is in his field are efficacious as an alternative medicine but started from tip to roots also have certain benefits, but on this blog I just inform the efficacy of Mineral Water Bamboo Eul Eul-in in ruasnya outline.

Bamboo Eul Eul-growing among the bushes, although one family but sometimes the water that is in the ruasnya have a different flavor and color but it's almost the same that is still fresh. Aroma and color differences are in no way reduces the efficacy of mineral water-Eul Eul Bamboo itself.

Lots of alternative medicine and alternative treatments that proved very efficacious among others, acupuncture, akupressur, herbs, spices, inner power, bird nest, bee sting, suck blood with leeches, cupping, ant, antlion, Noni, the crown of the god, and of course Bamboo Eul Eul mineral water that they are actually just a way of healing because of actual or media that it is only Allah that heals.

Benefits of Bamboo-Eul Eul (Diseases and complaints than can be cured), Insya Allah:

1. Heart
2. Tipes
3. Rheumatic
4. Shortness of breath
5. Tonsil
6. Uric acid
7. Kidney
8. Stroke
9. Cough / asthma
10. Lumbago
11. Ambeyen
12. Diabetes
13. Uterus Cancer
14. Whitish
15. Prostate
16. High Blood
17. Allergy
18. Appendix
19. Insomnia 
20. Strengthens breathing and stamina
21. Increase sexual desire
22. Increase endurance
23. Toothache
24. Polyp
25. Ulcer / stomach acid
26. Mute / peura
27. Eliminating fat / cholesterol
28. TBC, Intestine
29. Gallstone
30. Low white blood cell
31. Poisoned
32. Impotence
33. Pain during menstruation
34. Hard stool and urine
35. Lumbago
36. Migraine headaches
37. Stomach ache
38. Injury accidents


  1. Very good explanatino of the plant and you were spot on with the difference of Bamboo and Bamboo eul-eul. I liked it. Although i have a basic idea about these plants but you just discussed it in a detailed format.

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