Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bamboo Eul-Eul - Mineral Water From Nature

Bamboo-Eul Eul (Nastus Elegantissimus (Hassk) Holt)
Bamboo Plants-Eul Eul
Bamboo-Eul Eul is one type of bamboo plant that grows in tropical regions. Differences between Bamboo eul-eul with other bamboo species such as:
Bamboo Eul Eul-containing minerals in mineral water in its segment,
Bamboo-Eul Eul only grow a few stems of bamboo plants tens and even hundreds of others,
Bamboo-Eul Eul only grow in certain areas such as in Indonesia,
Makin up the trunk of his increasingly large and growing segment length,
Bamboo-Eul Eul will be more inclined or crouch down as you get older the plant because it contains the mineral water segment. Just like the rice plant "More and more old duck."
Actually Bamboo plant-Eul Eul include herbaceous plant species that have a hollow stem and edged and provides many benefits for humans. The name or other term of bamboo are reeds, aur, Australian pine, and AWI (Sunda). Eul Eul-Bamboo (Bamboo Magic) can be found and grow around the mountains in West Java (the exact location sorry we could not tell because for the conservation of nature).

Benefits of Bamboo-Eul Eul