Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bamboo Eul-Eul - Mineral Water From Nature

Bamboo-Eul Eul (Nastus Elegantissimus (Hassk) Holt)
Bamboo Plants-Eul Eul
Bamboo-Eul Eul is one type of bamboo plant that grows in tropical regions. Differences between Bamboo eul-eul with other bamboo species such as:
Bamboo Eul Eul-containing minerals in mineral water in its segment,
Bamboo-Eul Eul only grow a few stems of bamboo plants tens and even hundreds of others,
Bamboo-Eul Eul only grow in certain areas such as in Indonesia,
Makin up the trunk of his increasingly large and growing segment length,
Bamboo-Eul Eul will be more inclined or crouch down as you get older the plant because it contains the mineral water segment. Just like the rice plant "More and more old duck."
Actually Bamboo plant-Eul Eul include herbaceous plant species that have a hollow stem and edged and provides many benefits for humans. The name or other term of bamboo are reeds, aur, Australian pine, and AWI (Sunda). Eul Eul-Bamboo (Bamboo Magic) can be found and grow around the mountains in West Java (the exact location sorry we could not tell because for the conservation of nature).

Benefits of Bamboo-Eul Eul

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Roselle - Anti Toxin Flower

Roselle Red Flower
Generally, people familiar with the name Rosela, Rosella or Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.). In terms of health, it turns out Rosela has benefits for disease prevention. According to research Ballitas Malang, rosella flowers, especially of plants that flower valvate thick (juicy), for example Red Rosela useful to prevent cancer and inflammatory diseases, controlling blood pressure, blood circulation and smooth bowel movements.
Rosela petals can be taken as a fresh drink of syrup and tea, jams and beverages, especially of plants that flower thick valvate, namely Rosela RedThe petals contain vitamin C, vitamin A, and amino acids. All essential amino acids, 18 of them contained in the petals Rosela, including arginine and legnin that play a role in the process of rejuvenation of body cells. In addition, Rosela also contains protein and calcium. 

Noni - Bitter but Better

Medical research on Noni started at least 1950, when the scientific journal Science reported that Pacific Noni fruit showed antibacterial properties against M. pyrogenes, P. Aeruginosa, and even E. coli are deadly.
Studies and research on Noni continues to be done by various research institutions and university sitas. Since 1972, Dr. Ralph Heinicke, the famous biochemist from the United States began to conduct research about xeronine alkaloids contained in the enzyme bromelain (enzyme in pineapple), and then discovered that the Noni fruit also contains xeronine and precursor (proxeronine) in large numbers. Xeronine is one of the important substances that regulate specific functions of proteins and cells of the human body.
In 1993, the journal Cancer Letters reported that some researchers from Keio University and The Institute of Biomedical Sciences in Japan who do research on 500 species of plant claimed that they found anti-cancer substances (damnacanthal) contained in Noni.

Tongkat Ali - Herbal Multipurpose

Tongkat Ali
Tongkat Ali or Eurycoma longifolia jack is a small tree that grows in the forests of Malaysia and Southeast Asia. In Malaysia and Singapore known as Tongkat Ali, in Thailand called Piak or Tung Saw. Residents in these areas have been using all parts of this plant to treat various diseases. Active elements in Eurycoma longifolia include quassin, neo-quassin, glaukarubin, sedrin, and erycomanol. In general, these elements are derivatives of compounds with 20 carbon atoms.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Pomegranate - All in Red

Pomegranate (punica granatum) fruit is a plant that can grow up to 5-8 m. This plant is thought to have originated from Iran, but has long been cultivated in the Mediterranean area. Moors to name one of the ancient city in Spain, Granada under the name of this fruit. This plant is also widely planted in South China region and Southeast Asia. Pomegranates originated from the Middle East, spread in subtropical to tropical areas, from lowlands to below 1,000 m asl. This plant likes loose soil that is not submerged in water, with ground water is not deep. Pomegranates are often planted in gardens as ornamental plants, medicinal plants, or as an edible fruit. The form of shrubs or small trees with a height 2-5 m. Woody stems, twigs angular, branching many, weak, spiny leaves in the armpits, brown when young, green and dirty after dark. Leaves single, short-stemmed, located in groups. Leaf blade is oval shaped to lanceolate, base tapered, blunt tip, flat edge, pertulangan pinnate, shiny surface, 1-9 cm long, 0.5 to 2.5 cm wide, it's green. Single short-stemmed flowers, exit at end of the branch or in the armpit leaves at the top. Usually, there are one to five flowers, the colors red, white, or purple. Flowering throughout the year. Buni fruit fruit, round shape with a diameter of 5-12 cm, the color of his skin variety, such as green-purple, white, reddish brown or blackish purple.Sometimes, there are patches of colored tebih rather prominent old. Seeds many, small, round shape long terms rather flat-sided, hard, irregularly arranged, the color red, pink, or white. 

Various kinds of pomegranate 

Known three kinds of pomegranates, namely white pomegranate, pomegranate red, purple pomegranatePropagation by cuttings, grafting roots or shoots. POME or pomegranate is often planted as an ornamental, medicinal plants, or as an edible fruit. Pomegranate fruit can be eaten in a fresh condition, as mixed fruit salad, fruit salad, juice or fruit juice. To make pomegranate juice should be drunk with stones as they are found mainly in seed polyphenol compounds. 

Benefits of pomegranate 
Benefits of pomegranate can be obtained in various ways, such as

Tin Fruits (Fig Fruits) - Secrets Behind Fruit of Heaven

Fig (Ficus carica L.) is a type of fruit-producing plants that can be eaten which originated from West Asia. The fruit is named the same. The name is taken from the Arabic, also known by the name of "Ara" (fruit of the fig / fig tree), whereas in English called a fig, is still included relatives of the banyan tree. 

Growing up in West Asia region, ranging from the coast of the Balkans to Afghanistan. 
Now is also cultivated in Australia, Chile, Argentina, and the United States. 
Habitus in the form of trees, large and can grow up to 10m with soft shaft gray. 
The leaves are quite large and curvy in, 3 or 5 lobes. 
Flowers tin does not seem as protected by the base of the flower that closes so that the thought of fruit. 
Pollination carried out by a special kind of wasp, just like the insects that pollinate other Ficus species. 
The so-called fruit is actually a flower that forms the basis of spheres. 
This type is typical for all members of the tribe-araan fig (Moraceae). The fruit size of three to 5 cm long, green. Some cultivars change color to purple when ripe. The sap of this tree issued to irritate the skin. 
Fig fruit can be eaten fresh, dried, or made jam. Fruit is picked must be used because it can not be stored longer (easily broken). In Bengali fig fruit is processed as a vegetable. 

Privileges fig fruit 

All that is created and bestowed by Allah SWT has its own privileges and advantages that we as humans sometimes do not know the silver lining. Many of us do not know the features found in Fruit Tin and importance to health, perhaps because Fruit Tin is not from our country, but from the Middle East countries. Although Fruit Tin comes from Makkah, Syria, Palestine, Egypt as well, but also introduced in Italy about 2000 years ago which developed rapidly through the South of Europe, including Greece.Up in the Book Al-Qur'an there is also a special letter stating about Tin Fruit and Olives, also Mount Tursina and country safe Makkah (Al-Qur'an - Surat At-Tin verses 1-3). If contemplated, surely there is wisdom behind it, why Allah swt has said in the Qur'an. This may be because the efficacy and merits unequaled by other fruits. 

According to Imam Ibn Al Jawziyyah,

Yam - Fruits of Herbs Medicine & Cosmetic

Yam or Bengkoang (Pachyrhizus erosus) is known from the tuber (cormus) the white part that can be eaten as salad components and pickled or used as a mask to refresh the face and whiten skin. Plants originating from tropical America are included in the tribe of legumes or Fabaceae. In the place of origin, this plant is known as xicama or jícama. The Javanese call Besusu 


Bengkoang is an annual liana that can reach lengths of 4-5m, while the roots can reach 2m. Spreading and twisted trunk, with fine hairs that point downward. 
Leaves compound pinnate leaf litter 3; stemmed from 8.5 to 16 cm; child leaves the egg round wide, with pointed tip and large-toothed, hairy on both sides; child leaves a big tip, lozenge, 7-21 × 6 - 20 cm. 
Flowers gathered in bunches at the tip or axillary, alone or in groups 2-4 bunches, up to 60cm long, brown hair. Calyx tube bell shaped, brownish, about 0.5 cm long, bertaju up to 0.5 cm. Crown bluish purple and white, bald, long-lk. 2 cm. Stalk sari flat, with tip slightly rolling; the stigma shape the ball, under the end of the shaft pistil, pistil stalk under the stigma of bearded. Pod line shape, flat, 8-13 cm long, hairy, 4-9 seeded grains. 


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Soya - Much Benefit Much Healthy

Soybean is definitely not a stranger to you. But, did you include it in your diet list? If not, it's good to start taking it. Soy is a complete food source. Soybeans contain carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals like calcium, folic acid, potassium and iron. In addition, soy protein contained consisting of all essential amino acids that is necessary for health.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found the benefits of soy in lowering cholesterol levels in 1999. The FDA issued a health claim that 25 grams of soy per day can reduce heart disease risk.

Another study recently,

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Olives - Fruit of Thousand Years

Olive (Olea europaea) is an annual small trees and evergreen, the young fruit can be eaten raw or preserved as a refresher after. 
The old fruit is squeezed and the oil is extracted into olive oil that can be used for various purposes. Olive is a member of the Oleaceae tribe. 
The characteristics and distribution 
Olive plants have characteristics include: 
1. grow as shrubs have bell-shaped flowers

2. single leaf by leaf position of facing no leverage

3. hermaphrodite or unisexual flowers and fruit ride
4. fruit of stone fruit with seeds have endosperm

Olive began to bear fruit at the age of five years and can reach thousands of years old, so that was the shrub has become a big tree. 
Olive trees thousands of years old of whom has ever been found in Palestine which survived until 2000 years. 
Distribution includes hot climate regions to temperate climate. 
Most species can be found in Asia and the Mediterranean region. The plant was still allied with jasmine (Jasminum sambac). 
Symbols and benefits 
Olive leaf stalks are often used as a symbol of peace and

White turmeric, Exempt Diarrhea and Bloating

 One of the family of herbal medicinal (toga), white turmeric may not be as famous as his siblings, or used to be named turmeric. Turmeric already very familiar in the culinary world.White turmeric which has the Latin name Curcuma zedoaria also contains many health giving properties.
The flavor is more bitter than his brother. But more distinctive aroma and strong because of the content of essential oil fraction more. Based on the record of Traditional Drug Control Directorate General of POM (Food and Drug Administration), the research on turmeric white or turmeric retrieval has been performed in China since 1988. Known to contain lots of white turmeric volatile oil consisting of curdione and curcumol. Has antioxidant properties that can withstand free radical oxygen causes the growth of cancer cells, anti-inflammatory (inflammation) and can increase the red blood cells. 

Our ancestors also often consume this white turmeric rhizome juice during childbirth to cleanse the organs associated with childbirth. But