Friday, March 25, 2011

Pomegranate - All in Red

Pomegranate (punica granatum) fruit is a plant that can grow up to 5-8 m. This plant is thought to have originated from Iran, but has long been cultivated in the Mediterranean area. Moors to name one of the ancient city in Spain, Granada under the name of this fruit. This plant is also widely planted in South China region and Southeast Asia. Pomegranates originated from the Middle East, spread in subtropical to tropical areas, from lowlands to below 1,000 m asl. This plant likes loose soil that is not submerged in water, with ground water is not deep. Pomegranates are often planted in gardens as ornamental plants, medicinal plants, or as an edible fruit. The form of shrubs or small trees with a height 2-5 m. Woody stems, twigs angular, branching many, weak, spiny leaves in the armpits, brown when young, green and dirty after dark. Leaves single, short-stemmed, located in groups. Leaf blade is oval shaped to lanceolate, base tapered, blunt tip, flat edge, pertulangan pinnate, shiny surface, 1-9 cm long, 0.5 to 2.5 cm wide, it's green. Single short-stemmed flowers, exit at end of the branch or in the armpit leaves at the top. Usually, there are one to five flowers, the colors red, white, or purple. Flowering throughout the year. Buni fruit fruit, round shape with a diameter of 5-12 cm, the color of his skin variety, such as green-purple, white, reddish brown or blackish purple.Sometimes, there are patches of colored tebih rather prominent old. Seeds many, small, round shape long terms rather flat-sided, hard, irregularly arranged, the color red, pink, or white. 

Various kinds of pomegranate 

Known three kinds of pomegranates, namely white pomegranate, pomegranate red, purple pomegranatePropagation by cuttings, grafting roots or shoots. POME or pomegranate is often planted as an ornamental, medicinal plants, or as an edible fruit. Pomegranate fruit can be eaten in a fresh condition, as mixed fruit salad, fruit salad, juice or fruit juice. To make pomegranate juice should be drunk with stones as they are found mainly in seed polyphenol compounds. 

Benefits of pomegranate 
Benefits of pomegranate can be obtained in various ways, such as
in the form of fruit juice or you can also eat the seeds, syrup, pasta or pomegranate concentrate.Traditionally, pomegranates used to cleanse the skin and reduce inflammation of the skin. Pomegranate juice also can reduce the pain of strep throat. According to research conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, pomegranates are rich in antioxidants can prevent oxidation of LDL or bad cholesterol in the body. Besides the already mentioned earlier, for the health benefits of pomegranates, among others, can for diseases such as stomach disorders, heart disorders, cancer, dental care, arthritis, anemia and diabetes. In Asia, its juice is thickened into a syrup which is used as a sauce. In Egypt was used as a kind of fruit wine, syrup, and fruit juice. In one glass of pomegranate juice antioxidant content of more than one glass of red wine, green tea or orange juice. In America, pomegranate juice product, known as the pom wonderful recent trend of health drinks. Drink pomegranate juice is known as a healthy fruit juice, high efficacy. Pomegranate juice high in potassium ions (potassium), vitamins A, C and E and folic acid. From the edible seeds, the content of potassium per 100 grams (259 mg / g), energy 63 cal, 30 mg vitamin C. This component is considered very important for heart health (Time, December 2003). Pomegranate juice is also high in flavonoids, a type of powerful antioxidants that important role to prevent the development of free radicals in the body and improve the body's cells are damaged, and capable in providing protection against heart disease, skin cancer, and prostate cancer. Antioxidants contained in it helps prevent clots in the arteries by cholesterol. Even the content of antioxidants in pomegranates three times more than the wine or green tea. Researchers from Vanderbilt University Medical Center found that people who drank juice three or more times a week, may reduce the risk of getting Alzheimer's compared to 76% of people who drank no juice at all.

Pomegranate fruit is round almost as big as oranges, but the shiny red. Not only that, the pomegranate is also a white and purple. Apart from the attractive fruit color, fruit pomegranate also has a property that is extraordinary.
Among others:
The fruit can clean the hull. Skin pomegranate to treat abdominal pain due to intestinal worms, dysentery, diarrhea, hemorrhoids bleeding, vomiting blood, coughing blood, uterine bleeding, sore throat, ear inflammation, discharge, and stomach pain. Pomegranate flowers to treat gingivitis, bleeding, and bronchitis. Meat pomegranate can be used as a weight loss, mouth sores, high blood pressure, frequent urination, rheumatism, and flatulence. Pomegranate seeds can be used as a fever-lowering drugs, cough, poisoning and intestinal worms.
Do you ever feel the freshness of pomegranate juiceIn addition to freshness, pomegranate juice is believed to ward off heart disease, shed the fat deposition, and able to fend off free radicals.
In the review in terms of flavor, pomegranates have a sweet taste that is hot & humid. Water from the pomegranate can provide nutrition for the body. Therefore, the pomegranate can also help improve our stamina, but is not recommended for those of you who are experiencing a fever.
So to maintain the health of your body, often - often to eat pomegranates. 

Wallahu a'lam bishowab

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