Yam or Bengkoang (Pachyrhizus erosus) is known from the tuber (cormus) the white part that can be eaten as salad components and pickled or used as a mask to refresh the face and whiten skin. Plants originating from tropical America are included in the tribe of legumes or Fabaceae. In the place of origin, this plant is known as xicama or jícama. The Javanese call Besusu
Bengkoang is an annual liana that can reach lengths of 4-5m, while the roots can reach 2m. Spreading and twisted trunk, with fine hairs that point downward.
Leaves compound pinnate leaf litter 3; stemmed from 8.5 to 16 cm; child leaves the egg round wide, with pointed tip and large-toothed, hairy on both sides; child leaves a big tip, lozenge, 7-21 × 6 - 20 cm.
Flowers gathered in bunches at the tip or axillary, alone or in groups 2-4 bunches, up to 60cm long, brown hair. Calyx tube bell shaped, brownish, about 0.5 cm long, bertaju up to 0.5 cm. Crown bluish purple and white, bald, long-lk. 2 cm. Stalk sari flat, with tip slightly rolling; the stigma shape the ball, under the end of the shaft pistil, pistil stalk under the stigma of bearded. Pod line shape, flat, 8-13 cm long, hairy, 4-9 seeded grains.